Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm such a loser...

I finally broke down and emailed Smash today after reading all of his archives. I am such a loser. But really, I wanted him to know what a gifted writer I think he is, and to let him know that random people to read his diary, and even find amusement from it.

Here's a copy of what I sent him - what a dork I am!

"Hi Smash!,

You don't know me, and that's okay, but I wanted to let you know that I have just spent the better part of the past 2 weeks reading all of your archives (no, not straight through, I read them when I had some down time at work, silly!) and getting all caught up on who you are, (well, as much as one can get to know someone by reading their blog/diary thing.) and really, I just wanted to say that I think that you are a gifted writer, you seem like a truly nice human being and well, everyone likes to hear nice things from strangers don't they? (Especially strangers from across the pond! - I'm from Canada, Vancouver, BC to be exact)

Anyhoo, now that I am rambling and making an idiot of myself, I just thought I would let you know that I thoroughly enjoy reading your diary and hope to see more updates soon.

Hopefully you don't think that I am a stalker, am just wanting to let you know that your writing is inspiring, (even the drunk posts are fun to read!) and to keep up the good, no wait, GREAT job.


So now that I am done, and completely mortified, (and did actually hit the send button), I am going to go back to work and try to make it through the rest of the day without making more of a fool of myself. I'll let you know later if it works or not.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe you are so not a loser! Quit worryin! Smashxxx